• Polyurethane RC Blimps & Custom LTA’s since 1999. •

RC Blimps from 2 to 20 m or custom – Surveillance and Remote Sensing Aerostats – Aerial Photography Systems – Genuine design, technology and production

July 2024

Combining various joining and welding technologies

January 2024

At the request of a company from Brazil at the end of 2023 ...

July, 2023

At the end of July 2023, I had the honor of having a group of students from Gyor University from Hungary visit the Blimp Design and ...

May 5th, 2023

Flying has been adored for centuries before the first functional object could lift itself and fly a considerable distance, from Icarus and Daedalus to DaVinci and many others who had a vision of man flying high up in the air.

August 15th, 2022

Initially (one hundred and more years ago), 2 gases were available for the development of LTA (lighter than air aircraft) - first hot air and then hydrogen. Using electrolysis, our great-grandfathers obtained ...

July 31, 2022

Nothing flies as "softly" as blimps and zeppelins. And if so, why don't we see them more often? After 25 years of exclusively working with lighter-than-air aircraft, I think I'm slowly seeing the reasons. The answer ...

Nov 17, 2021

Since October 2020 until today huge number of designs, prototypes and finished components where made. Almost every finished component had at least one or 2 prototype stages.

May 29, 2020

Our company Aero Drum Ltd was contacted by Mr. Einar Gilberg in the spring of 2020. To make the irony bigger just at the time of the corona virus pandemic. But after the first disbelief, I began to realize that the call was serious and deserved my full attention...

September 16, 2019

Over the years we had our fair share of Blimps and projects directly or indirectly connected to Ecology and clean earth endeavors worldwide. Blimps are by definition totally recyclable - from envelope ...

March 14, 2019

Blimps have been around long before drones came on stage. Huge investments were made, projects and expectations Blimps related worldwide. The overall result –mixed feelings, mixed results...

January 31, 2019

January 2019, at -10 Celsius almost polar conditions, we have tested to UniBlimp®©original design and production by Aero Drum Ltd. The quest for a low aerodynamic resistant...

December 26, 2018

In December 2018 we have finally found time to work on assembly technology for Polyester envelopes(also named Mylar). For years we felt the need for a lightweight film to materialize our ideas. “Grand scale” is a normal...

May 01, 2018

Airships have been used for quite some time. However, many people are still confused about various points surrounding these aircrafts. Find out exactly what airships are and how to differentiate different types of airships. Read through and find out basic information...

April 01, 2018

On the other hand, this molecular density is perfect for small Blimps and Airships up to 20 m. Helium atom is the second smallest in size (after Hydrogen) and as such it escapes through all known materials and films. The lowest permeability for above-mentioned sizes...

March 01, 2018

It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s a Blimp... or a Zeppelin? Say you are looking at the sky, and suddenly (well not really suddenly, because airships are not famous for their speed) a large floating thing appears. You would probably look at it and exclaim: “Look, a Zeppelin!” You would feel...

February 01, 2018

Aerostats are the first aircrafts which enabled humans to see the world from above. Find out what are aerostats with focus on balloons, different types of balloons and their usage. In a broader sense, an aerostat is a hollow aircraft made of light material, filled with...

January 01, 2018

The drone “explosion” was or was not expected – but it happened! All kinds of designs and solutions and they all produced a single denominator – AIR TIME! We know and believe that there is a significant place for a Blimp/Drone hybrid that will solve longer air time...